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Effective Learning in Higher Education to address contemporary challenges


Mr Geoffrey Shakwa and Mr Maurice Nkusi

                 Teaching and Learning Unit

               Namibia University of Science and Technology



Over the past few decades, Higher Education institutions around the world are facing a number of challenges to effective learning and teaching support. The current trend in these institutions is ensuring that the education they offer meets the expectations of students and the requirements of industries, both today and for the future. As clearly indicated in NUST strategic plan 2014-2018 and Institutional Operating Plan (IOP), priorities in teaching, learning and research, including student centredness are well articulated to address those challenges, identifying opportunities and shortcomings, and mapping ways to address them. Therefore, promoting the use of student-centred active learning methods where excellent pedagogical practices are developed and practiced forms a critical part of the discussion. In this presentation, we will discuss novel approaches to teaching and learning which NUST espouses to empower students and ensure that they acquire robust knowledge, skills and attitudes in a structured way which should result in graduates with enhanced capabilities to engineer solutions to common challenges facing society and industry. The role of the Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education (PGCHE) in achieving the above will be discussed.


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